Teacher, Coach, Consultant, Researcher

Classes and workshops

I have developed a wide variety of online courses and in-person workshops. My current class offerings use hands-on activities that focus on exploring, experimenting and reflecting on your creative process and mindset. These learning activities interweave my personal experiences as a developing artist working with mixed media and generative AI, my knowledge of creativity and innovation (and evidence-based approaches to develop in these areas), and my teaching and curriculum development skills. My teaching approach is based the belief that collaborative learning activities enable everyone engaged in the process to grow. As the developer and facilitator of a class, I look forward to the interactive, shared learning that I experience and to using what I learn for my own practice and for the development of future classes.

Most of my online courses and in-person workshops are the result of personal requests through my network of professional connections and through friends. Please contact me if you are interested in discussing possible courses/customized workshops to help you achieve your learning goals.

Teaching experience

For many years I have been interested in creativity, innovation, and change. I have pursued these interests when I earned my Ph.D. and in my research. I also have been able to deepen my understanding of these topics as a college professor who develops and teaches courses that incorporate these subjects. For example, I have been able to develop exercises focused on creativity to support a course I teach (Critical and Creative Thinking in Business). I have also developed a number of learning activities that explore individual, group, and system wide change for another course I teach (Organizational Behavior). My teaching philosophy emphasizes real-world problem solving as a way for learners to develop and demonstrate their competencies.

Creativity and innovation are not just important as part of the content of a course which is offered. From a larger perspective, I believe creativity and innovation are the foundation that enables teachers (and educational institutions) to offer effective courses where learners achieve the desired outcomes from their efforts. I think that generative AI - with its amazing promise and peril for learning - means that creativity and innovation are going to be even more critical in ensuring that teachers and educational institutions effectively support learners in the future. I love teaching and my work has been recognized through a number of teaching awards from my colleagues over my career.


Coaching is a creative process designed to help you achieve your goals. As a professional coach, we engage in a collaborative process designed to support your what you want to accomplish and your unique, individual journey.

Many people are effective coaches and - as coaches- use a wide range of approaches in their work. I sought out the best coaching education that I could find and became certified as a professional coach so that I could provide my clients with the most effective coaching experience possible. My coaching practice is based upon evidence-based practices that have been proven to support sustainable, goal directed change.

I look forward to hearing from you if your are interested in working with me to make changes using effective, evidence based approaches. In personalized coaching sessions, you will develop skills that empower your creative pursuits, health and wellbeing, personal development, and professional growth.


I have extensive experience as a consultant helping organizations implement process and technology-enabled changes successfully. I worked for many years as a consultant and project manager for a large international consulting firm prior to earning my Ph.D. in Management and Information Systems.

As an educator and researcher, I find my ongoing engagement with clients who are working to solve real-world problems enables me to keep learning and developing my skills. In addition, I have found that working with nonprofit organizations, small business owners, and entrepreneurs has been a very satisfying way to make a difference to others and to my community outside of my professional academic responsibilities.

As a consultant, I build on my expertise to suggest approaches that clients can use to achieve their goals. A key focus of my consulting practice right now is working with organizations who want to use generative AI to enhance individual creativity and organizational productivity.


My research investigates individual creativity, problem solving, and innovation. I create and utilize research that provides evidence-based insights that facilitate individual and organizational change.