Coaching services.
What is coaching?
There are many different approaches to coaching. My coaching practice builds upon the approach and competencies developed by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
To learn more about coaching and get an overview of the approach I use, please visit the ICF Experiencing Coaching site.
What should I expect?
An important aspect of my coaching approach is focusing on understanding and building upon your current strengths as you make changes and work to develop new habits.
I also focus on working with you to develop your self-coaching knowledge and skills so you can continue this process of life-long learning and growth with or without the support of a professional coach.
How do I get started?
The first step is for us to discuss what you are looking for and how we might work together. Although the process is flexible based upon your needs, my clients typically identify a set of goals that they will focus on for the next three months. After three months, you will choose the goals you want to focus on next. We usually will meet weekly for 30-45 minutes via Zoom, phone, or face to face (if you live in Dallas).