Coaching resources.
Understanding yourself and others
There are a variety of ways to develop an understanding of your strengths and values. One place to start is by taking the free version of the Values in Action (VIA) Character Strengths survey. Follow these instructions to get started.
I have found the Johari Window to be a very useful framework for self-awareness and building communication and trust with others. You can find lots of information on the Johari Window on the Internet, much of it focused on using it for team building.
I think this overview is a good place to start. To make it useful, I really recommend that you read the section on how to use it and consider asking someone you trust to do this exploration with you to compare how you see yourself and how others may see you.
FYI: Here is another description that explores this Johari window exercise using 55 adjectives.
Exploring different ways to move and cultivate awareness
Early in my exploration of mindful movement, I practiced Qigong with Roger Jahnke (completing the basic Integral Qigong™ Teacher training).
One practice I like to share is called “Bathing the Marrow”. Please follow these instructions to try it and then adapt it to best meet your personal needs and interests.